The Truthsayer Report
Welcome to The Truthsayer Report: The global mission of the Podcast is to explore and examine historical events and how they shape current events ;and most importantly, Our Lives! Connect with me on Facebook: The Truthsayer Report and Twitter: @TruthsayerNews
The Truthsayer Report
TSR Episode 12: If not CRT, what about history?
Jeffrey Hawkins
Season 2
Episode 1
Welcome to The Truthsayer Report: The global mission of the podcast is to explore and examine historical events and how they shape current events; and most importantly, Our Lives!
Episode 12: If not CRT, What About History - The Truth highlights the role racism has played in America's history. There is a question on whether CRT is appropriate to teach in schools across America, but isn't the real question why are we afraid of exploring our nation's past? Tune in and share your thoughts!
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority its time to pause and reflect. " - Mark Twain