The Truthsayer Report
Welcome to The Truthsayer Report: The global mission of the Podcast is to explore and examine historical events and how they shape current events ;and most importantly, Our Lives! Connect with me on Facebook: The Truthsayer Report and Twitter: @TruthsayerNews
The Truthsayer Report
TSR Episode 9: The Kardashians...Capitalism by any other name
Jeffrey Hawkins
Season 1
Episode 9
Welcome to The Truthsayer Report: The global mission of the podcast is to explore and examine historical events and how they shape current events; and most importantly, Our Lives!
Episode 9 - The Kardashians...Capitalism by any other name - The Truth parallels the innovation, forward thinking and dynamic past of change makers like Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller with the popular Kardashian crew led by Kris Kardashian Jenner. They say history has a way of repeating itself...and through the Kardashian empire history appears to remain true.
“The first steps toward getting anywhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." ― J.P. Morgan